Buying a home is no small investment. In fact, there are few things you will spend more money on throughout your entire life. That is why it is extremely important that you understand every facet of the purchase you are making before you sign your name to anything. Most often when you find the home that you would like to buy your real estate agent will suggest that you sign a purchase agreement form. Like most legal documents however, these can be confusing and hard to read. Rather than signing the agreement up front, it would be especially intelligent to hire a real estate lawyer to review the contract prior to you making any commitments.

There is a set list of criteria that should be included in every purchase agreement form(inspections clause, mortgage contingency provision, liquidated damages clause etc.) these are things that real estate lawyers are used to looking for. Without help from a professional, it may be difficult to distinguish what exactly is included and missing from the contract. A real estate lawyer can also be a great asset when it comes to negotiations and counteroffers. If you have found the home of your dreams but you want to make sure that you are getting everything out of your contract that was promised to you then call the Offices of Kevork Adanas P.C. Attorney at Law today. Kevork can answer any questions you may have related to your real estate purchase and help you understand the ins and outs of the purchasing agreement.

Contact call us at 201-592-9190 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.